Digital case management: solving multifactorial challenges in the healthcare sector

In a nutshell

In this article, we present digital case management as a solution to the various current challenges facing hospitals and care facilities.

The healthcare system is a complex system that is facing constant change and increasing challenges. The focus here is on optimizing patient care and increasing efficiency in hospitals and care facilities. We have taken up and further developed a method that is proving effective in meeting these challenges. Our solution to the multifactorial challenges in the healthcare system is digital case management.

Many challenges can be addressed and solved through an individual and holistic view of the patient, combined with efficient, digitalized processes. The digitalization of processes also offers the advantage that their success can be measured.

But what challenges are we actually talking about?

  • Limited public funding
  • Rising operating costs
  • Overworked staff
  • long waiting times
  • an increasing decline in the quality of care and, as a result
  • Poorly cared for and dissatisfied patients and relatives

The German healthcare system is not doing particularly well, not only in the perception of staff and those affected, but also in the media.

If you follow the current media coverage, you could be forgiven for thinking that the solution to all problems is very simple. We need more funding and more people working in care and this unpleasant chain of grievances will disappear.

Do we have a resource problem?

The truth is, yes, we have a resource problem. However, the reality is that many of the current and future challenges cannot be solved through the unlimited use of financial or human resources. It is also utopian to believe that politicians would be willing or able to procure or provide this.

The core problem lies elsewhere.

The overall view of causes and effects makes it clear that the German healthcare system is a complex system that faces constant changes and challenges. This one simple solution simply does not exist (any more). I would like to quote H.L. Mencken here, who once very aptly stated:“For every complex problem, there’s a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.”

But there is a tool for solving these diverse challenges – digital case management!

In the course of our work and in contact with practitioners and managers, we have been able to identify key factors that are the main causes of resource problems in hospitals and other care facilities.

External factors for resource scarcity,

that are making day-to-day work in nursing increasingly challenging:

  • increasingly complex regulatory compliance and legal requirements and the associated
  • ever more extensive documentation requirements,
  • a growing sense of entitlement on the part of patients and relatives and
  • increasing possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Internal factors for resource scarcity

are often

  • analog processes and workflows,
  • which in many cases are inefficient,
  • do not interlock,
  • very error-prone,
  • not measurable and
  • thus difficult to optimize and
  • are isolated or not linked end-to-end from the patient’s admission to discharge.

You probably know the consequences.

Digital case management as a solution

This is precisely where our digital case management approach comes in. We help you to gain an end-to-end process view by combining best practices in case and process management with the creation of digital excellence. This enables you to create a patient-centric environment, make success factors measurable and identify optimization potential.

Furthermore, we successively harmonize your processes and develop resource-saving workflows with efficient allocation of your existing resources.

In summary, digital case management is a pragmatic and effective method for improving the quality and efficiency of your organization. Process excellence, digitalization and, as a result, better coordination and individualization of patient care can address and solve many of your current challenges. The implementation of case management is the key to establishing a patient-centered and resource-efficient system that is equipped for the future.

If you are looking for a reliable partner at your side along the way, then the BAMAC GROUP is the right place for you, because we know how to manage projects and implement change. Above all, it is important to us to provide our customers with individual support and an end-to-end approach. If you would like to know more about this, please contact us.