People as a success factor: change management in times of digital upheaval
Successful transformations do not start with new technologies, but with the people who use them. Whether digitalisation, new processes or cultural change – change only becomes sustainable if employees are involved and convinced. In this article, we show how companies can put the human factor at the centre and thus transform successfully in the long term.
Change begins in the mind – and in people’s hearts. In a world that is changing faster than ever before, change management is becoming an art. The aim is not just to inform your employees, but to get them excited about the change. Companies that take this human factor seriously not only create a successful transformation, but also a culture in which innovation and adaptability are a given. In this article, we show how change management succeeds in times of digital upheaval.
We cannot emphasise the importance of active change management often enough. Our experience shows that it is (still) a reality in many companies that change processes and projects are often implemented incompletely, take longer and are also very likely to be more expensive than expected. Unresolved conflicts, unclear responsibilities and a lack of communication are to blame. According to the Change Management Compass 2023, two thirds to three quarters of all change projects do not achieve their intended goal. A lack of acceptance for the changes and general resistance are cited as the reasons for this.
In other words, the human success factor was not taken into account.
So far, however, only a few companies realise that there is a need for change management in the very first planning phase of a new (digital) project. We have often observed that change management is only considered when the implementation of the digital transformation stagnates.
By integrating change management at an early stage, you show your employees that you take them and their thoughts seriously. If everyone pulls together, the upcoming project has a chance of succeeding. We have all experienced that this is worth its weight in gold. After all, people can be amazingly creative when it comes to taking action against change.
People at the centre of digital change
When we talk about digital transformation, many people first think of automation, artificial intelligence or cloud solutions. But in the end, it is always people who shape change. The willingness to rethink old habits, break new ground and adapt to the constantly changing world is the basis that makes it possible to achieve your goals.
Experience shows that companies that specifically focus on the development and involvement of their employees are significantly more successful in transformation processes. Find out what a successful digital transformation can look like in practice in our case study on digital transformation. Employees not only need tools, but above all trust, information and the opportunity to be part of the transformation themselves. Change management combines all of this – the emotional, organisational and cultural aspects of change in times of digitalisation.
Change management communication
Communication is a crucial aspect of change management. This is where inertia and resistance are identified and tackled in a targeted manner. You can find out exactly how this works in the overview:
- Stakeholder analysis The stakeholder analysis lays the foundation: Who are our internal and external stakeholders? What motivation and influence do they have? How do we reach them? In complex projects, change personas help to identify the needs and perceptions of specific groups.
- Change Benefit Story The change benefit story conveys the need for change. It combines triggers, measures, vision and effects on the company and employees and creates a sense of urgency.
- Initial communication Communication begins and clarifies all W questions, e.g. Why is the transformation necessary? When will it start? What are the goals? What modifications are already foreseeable for employees? Successful initial communication is essential, as this is when the majority of the workforce first learns about the upcoming change.
- Branding This makes your work easier, because specific branding with a logo and claim increases recognition, awareness and emotional anchoring of the change project.
- Kick-off event A kick-off event or a kick-off for those involved conveys appreciation, while at the same time key aspects of the change process can be presented. Such an event can create similar unifying characteristics as other company celebrations.
- Language climates It goes without saying, but we would like to mention it anyway: The communication style should not change during change management. Even in times of digital upheaval, retaining customs – e.g. being on first-name terms – does not mean that it is not necessary to communicate carefully. It always makes sense to express yourself in an appreciative and positive way and to avoid phrases with negative connotations
- Means of communication The actual communication can take place on many levels. It doesn’t always have to be the traditional works meeting. Especially in times of digitalisation, change management has a range of options. Visual content, such as videos, has proven its worth in conveying the change benefit story or conveying messages from management in a targeted manner. This is because they are particularly good at conveying emotions. Blog posts and regular updates on the intranet or Teams channel are also a good way of keeping employees up to date with the latest results, the project status and the next steps. In addition, Q&A forums, which take place at regular intervals with the project and change management team, help to clarify open questions and reduce uncertainty. In addition, important stakeholders should also be actively involved in bilateral discussions in order to take their individual concerns into account.
- Frequency & reliability Regular, reliable and easily accessible communication keeps the change process present and reduces uncertainty.
Especially in times of digital transformation, change management must be transparent and show the way with a clear vision, otherwise there is a risk of mistrust and uncertainty. Because when tasks are redistributed and in some cases automated by new technologies, many employees automatically fear losing their own jobs. This is when managers act as change leaders. In this role, they also act as a link between strategy and the workforce. If they are aware of this speciality, they can drive change forward. For this to work, it is essential to create a culture of open dialogue in which questions, ideas and concerns are heard. In this way, employees can not only be informed about the transformation, but also actively involved in the development. We have used the example of the introduction of digital case management in the healthcare sector to show you what this can look like.

Change management goals
Change processes always trigger emotional reaction patterns in people. In the context of the ‘workplace’, we often encounter the fear of losing it – the culmination of which is existential fear. Typically, emotions run from surprise to rejection and uncertainty to acceptance. This so-called change curve can sometimes fluctuate greatly. The aim of professional change management is to control and cushion such dynamics in a targeted manner in order to minimise uncertainties and keep the organisation capable of acting in the face of digital change.
A key success factor here is equalising the information gap: employees who are directly involved in the change project naturally have a knowledge and experience advantage over the rest of the workforce. They deal with the changes more intensively and are already at a more advanced stage of the change curve. It is therefore essential to sensitise the project team to this discrepancy and ensure that the entire organisation is taken along step by step. If you want to become a true master of change management, we recommend our article Mastering Change: The Art of Successful Change.
The overarching goal of effective change management is to ensure the company’s ability to work and stability during the digital transformation. This includes identifying potential hurdles at an early stage, minimising risks and creating an environment that offers security and orientation. Change often creates uncertainty – and uncertainty can reinforce misjudgements and resistance. To counteract this, an open, transparent and honest communication culture is crucial.
This includes courage, the intention to promote innovation and to see mistakes as a learning opportunity, as well as breaking down rigid hierarchies.
Conclusion: Technology enables, people shape
Reorganisation always means upheaval. In order to organise this constructively, a clear attitude is required on the part of the company and in particular its managers. True to the motto: ‘Our employees are our most valuable asset. We will take you with us on this journey and shape the path together – from A to B.’
In times of digital upheaval, people are the decisive factor for success. Technology can make processes easier, but it cannot replace creative thinking, collaboration and the innovative strength of employees. We have already identified 5 levers for a successful digital transformation.
We have shown that sustainable change management provides the digital transformation process with a reliable structure, assigns clear tasks to all those involved, defines milestones on the way to the goal and, above all, takes people on the journey with concrete measures. After all, successful change management means empowering and inspiring people and actively involving them in the transformation. It is therefore essential for companies to invest not only in technology, but above all in their people – because they are the real driving force behind sustainable success.
If you are looking for a reliable partner at your side, then the BAMAC Group is the right place for you, because we know how to realise projects and implement change. More about usThe most important thing for us is to support our customers individually and with an end-to-end approach. Find out more about our digital transformation services or get in touch with us now for a no-obligation initial consultation.
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