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Digital transformation: 5 levers for more effectiveness
Our CEO JÜRGEN BACH looks at the challenges that companies often face when implementing changes and optimizing their processes. He identifies five key levers to increase the effectiveness of improvement measures.

IT value management – the operationalization of value contribution
IT value management describes the tools and processes for a holistic integration of value contribution in companies.

IT value contribution – We make the economic benefits of IT plannable!
What is the IT value contribution? What do we mean by this and what benefits do we achieve by using it? - an introduction.

Case Study: Performance of IT products
If you really know the performance of your IT, you know where there is potential for optimization and can consciously work on this to increase value. The instrument of choice here is IT benchmarking. Here we use a case study from our practice to show how IT benchmarking can look in practice.

IT Benchmarking – Determine your starting position!
In IT benchmarking, we compare the performance of your company's IT services with those of another. The aim is to identify optimization potential and derive recommendations on how to improve performance in your company.

Case study: Positioning and orientation with IT benchmarking
In this article, we use an example from our practice to show you how IT benchmarking can be used to determine your own position and make a course correction.

Case study: using rolling planning to achieve consistent annual IT planning
In this article, we want to use a specific case study to show how much knowledge can be gained, and therefore how much money can be saved, when annual IT planning and rolling planning go hand in hand.

IT Project Portfolio – agile annual planning
Due to the discrepancy between the number of IT projects and the available budget and resources, it is necessary to prioritize the projects so that they can be implemented within the current capacities.

Case Study: Optimizing costs in the IT project portfolio
You have identified and evaluated your IT projects within your IT project portfolio and are now asking yourself the question: Can't it be done more cheaply?
In this article, we use a case study from our practice to show you what cost optimization within the IT project portfolio can look like.

Case Study: Make or Buy – The first glance can be deceptive!
Case Study: Make or Buy? This article explains what should be considered when deciding on an IT system.