Category: IT Strategy & Transformation

Category: IT Strategy & Transformation

13 Min.
Sandra Rehle
Case study: Successfully implementing digital transformation
A successful digital transformation requires more than just technology - it needs a holistic reorganisation of IT, processes and corporate culture. In this case study, we show how a company reorganised its IT architecture to enable cross-channel customer experiences, use data intelligently and work more agilely.
27 Min.
Alexander Pohl
The importance of a dynamic end-to-end view in companies
Discover the importance of end-to-end processes for your company's success. Learn how holistic processes increase efficiency, reduce costs and create competitive advantages. Practical examples and expert tips for optimal implementation in various industries.
8 Min.
Jürgen W. Bach
Digital transformation: 5 levers for more effectiveness
Our CEO JÜRGEN BACH looks at the challenges that companies often face when implementing changes and optimizing their processes. He identifies five key levers to increase the effectiveness of improvement measures.
8 Min.
Sandra Rehle
Focus on value creation: strategies for effective IT Value Management
In this article, we will show you how IT Value Management can be used to select and manage the IT portfolio and future IT investments in such a way that they contribute to increasing the value of the company.
11 Min.
Jürgen W. Bach
Macro-control in corporate IT: It doesn’t work without a management board, controlling body and policy!
This article identifies and describes a selection of structural weaknesses in the macro-control of digitalization and the associated false control impulses in companies, which need to be solved by management and politics.
5 Min.
Jürgen W. Bach
Supplier evaluation with the Financial Risk Report: Secure your supply chain
A secure supply chain is worth its weight in gold, as it ensures your company's long-term success. The Financial Risk Report is our tried and tested tool that makes supplier evaluation much easier for you.
11 Min.
Sandra Rehle
IT Benchmarking – Determine your starting position!
In IT benchmarking, we compare the performance of your company's IT services with those of another. The aim is to identify optimization potential and derive recommendations on how to improve performance in your company.
11 Min.
Sandra Rehle
Case Study: Increase the predictability of IT development projects!
Are you looking for more planning security in the development of IT projects? Here we show you how the plannability of IT development projects can be significantly increased in just five steps.
10 Min.
Sandra Rehle
Case study: using rolling planning to achieve consistent annual IT planning
In this article, we want to use a specific case study to show how much knowledge can be gained, and therefore how much money can be saved, when annual IT planning and rolling planning go hand in hand.
8 Min.
Sandra Rehle
IT Project Portfolio – agile annual planning
Due to the discrepancy between the number of IT projects and the available budget and resources, it is necessary to prioritize the projects so that they can be implemented within the current capacities.
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