Supplier evaluation with the Financial Risk Report: Secure your supply chain

In a nutshell

A secure supply chain is worth its weight in gold, as it ensures your company’s long-term success. The Financial Risk Report is our tried and tested tool that makes supplier evaluation much easier for you.

In today’s globalized economy, securing the supply chain is crucial to a company’s success. Suppliers play a crucial role as they provide the raw materials, components and services that are essential for the manufacture and operation of products and services. In order to minimize risks and ensure the reliability of the supply chain, a comprehensive supplier evaluation is of the utmost importance.
The Financial Risk Report is a proven tool for this assessment.

Why is supplier evaluation so important?

A company’s supply chain is a complex network of suppliers and service providers that makes it possible to deliver products and services on time and in the right quality. However, every supply chain also harbors risks. Disruptions in the supply chain, whether due to financial problems at suppliers or natural disasters, can have a significant impact on production and sales.

An effective supplier evaluation helps companies to identify risks and take appropriate measures to minimize them. A key aspect of this assessment is the financial health of suppliers.

The financial risk report in supplier evaluation

The Financial Risk Report is a powerful tool for assessing the financial stability and soundness of suppliers. This report is based on a thorough analysis of the supplier’s key financial figures and information and provides insights into its solvency and financial reliability.

What information does the Financial Risk Report provide?

  1. Creditworthiness: The report evaluates the supplier’s creditworthiness on the basis of credit ratings and scores. This helps to assess the risk of payment defaults and insolvencies.
  2. Financial stability: The report contains information on the supplier’s financial stability, including its balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statements. This makes it possible to identify weaknesses and risks in the supplier’s finances at an early stage.
  3. Payment behavior: By analyzing the supplier’s payment behavior, it is possible to determine how punctually they pay their invoices. Delayed payment behavior can indicate financial problems, among other things.

Advantages of using the Financial Risk Report for supplier evaluation

The following advantages result from a supplier evaluation with the help of the Financial Risk Report:

  • Risk minimization: By identifying financial risks, companies can take measures in good time to protect themselves against delivery failures and production interruptions.
  • Negotiating power: With a clear understanding of the supplier’s financial situation, companies can better enter into negotiations and negotiate more favorable conditions.
  • Long-term partnerships: Using the Financial Risk Report enables companies to build stable and long-term relationships with reliable suppliers.


Assessing the financial health of suppliers using the Financial Risk Report is a crucial step in securing the supply chain. Companies that use this information effectively are in a better position to minimize risks and build long-term, successful relationships with their suppliers. Investing in a comprehensive supplier evaluation pays off in the long term and contributes to the stability and competitiveness of a company.

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